On June 21, 2007, Steve Wozniak came to Pleasanton to visit and talk at our local Macintosh User Group, TMUG. You can view video of this event at the links below. Video by Metahelion Digital.
- Video -
Izack Mutlu kicks off the TMUG meeting and introduces Steve Wozniak.
The Woz - Main Event
Steve Wozniack covers everything from the early days in his life, to his work at Apple.
The Woz - Q & A
Steve Wozniack covers audience questions that cover everything from the early days at Apple, the iPhone, and why he does not get products from Apple early.
Door Prizes
Steve Wozniack and Izack Mutlu hand out door prizes to winners. Each winner received a $25 gift certificate to the Apple Store.
Page created by Nathan Trebes. This page is best viewed in Safari or Firefox. HD Video requires free Quicktime 7 Player. Page and Video edited on a Powerbook G4. Feel free to redistribute the above video and pictures as long as they are not re-edited and keep their credits. Any questions? Contact Nathan Trebes. Special Thanks to Kyle Depasquale for helping set up the site with http://coralcdn.org/ to combat the Digg effect.